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The Book of Trust (3rd Edition)
Build Trust, Be Trusted, Know who to Trust


In The Book of Trust® 16-times author Dr. Yoram Solomon shows you how to build the most important quality you can have: your Trustworthiness.
A trustworthy salesperson can sell the same product for 29.6% higher price. A trustworthy leader can increase productivity by 64%. Trustworthy CEOs generate 286% better shareholder returns, and when trust exists in a project team, projects performance (on time, on budget, as planned) increases by 45%. Yet, trust is deteriorating rapidly in our country. We have lost trust in the government, the media, major brands, our companies, and in each other.
The 3rd edition of The Book of Trust is the most comprehensive book written about trust. It adds two dimensions to trust that were never addressed in any significant book about trust: that trust is relative and dynamic. With 200 pages more than the second edition, this book incorporates significant learnings made in 2020 and 2021, through the COID-19 pandemic, and additional research. It also addresses additional applications for the framework in this book.
This book explains the Eight Laws of Trust:
Law #1: Trust is Continuous
Law #2: Trust is Contextual
Law #3: Trust is Personal
Law #4: Trust is Asymmetrical
Law #5: Trust is Transferable
Law #6: Trust is Reciprocal
Law #7: Trust is Dynamic
Law #8: Trust is Two-sided
The TrustHabits™ model in this book demonstrates how to build your trustworthiness through six components: Competence, Personality Compatibility, Symmetry, Positivity, Time, and Intimacy. This model is based on more than a decade of research done by the author, decades of experience as an executive and board member of multiple organizations, from startups to multi-billion dollar entities, as an elected official, and as a member of the Israeli Defense Forces 35th Airborne brigade.
This book is not theoretical. While based on research, it offers an easy to follow and implement 7-Step Action Plan that would help you identify and build the habits that will make you trustworthy with 95% success rate. When you add to it the mini-book series Can I TRUST You? you get specific, one-page habits that would address any trustworthiness issue you might have in any relationship, professional or personal.

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The (mini) Book of Trust (3rd Edition)
Build Trust, Be Trusted, Know who to Trust


In The Book of Trust® 16-times author Dr. Yoram Solomon shows you how to build the most important quality you can have: your Trustworthiness.
A trustworthy salesperson can sell the same product for 29.6% higher price. A trustworthy leader can increase productivity by 64%. Trustworthy CEOs generate 286% better shareholder returns, and when trust exists in a project team, projects performance (on time, on budget, as planned) increases by 45%. Yet, trust is deteriorating rapidly in our country. We have lost trust in the government, the media, major brands, our companies, and in each other.
The MINI Book of TRUST is a concise version of The Book of TRUST. It doesn’t include the research behind The Book of TRUST, many of the stories, and some of the finer details that are included in The Book of TRUST. It includes all the components of the Trust Habits™, though.
This book explains the Eight Laws of Trust:
Law #1: Trust is Continuous
Law #2: Trust is Contextual
Law #3: Trust is Personal
Law #4: Trust is Asymmetrical
Law #5: Trust is Transferable
Law #6: Trust is Reciprocal
Law #7: Trust is Dynamic
Law #8: Trust is Two-sided
The TrustHabits™ model in this book explains how to build your trustworthiness through six components: Competence, Personality Compatibility, Symmetry, Positivity, Time, and Intimacy. This model is based on more than a decade of research done by the author, decades of experience as an executive and board member of multiple organizations, from startups to multi-billion-dollar entities, as an elected official, and as a member of the Israeli Defense Forces 35th Airborne Paratroopers brigade.
This book is not theoretical. While based on research, it offers an easy-to-follow and implement 7-Step Action Plan that would help you identify and build the habits that will make you trustworthy with 95% success rate. When you add to it the mini-book series Can I TRUST You? you get specific, one-page habits that would address any trustworthiness issue you might have in any relationship, professional or personal.

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Can I TRUST You?
70+1 Habits that will make you a trustworthy Leader


When 14-time author and top-20 global organizational culture thought leader Dr. Yoram Solomon conducted a study asking, “what is the most important quality for you in other people?” Five out of six types of participants answered: Trustworthiness (66% of the time). Only one type didn’t: Leaders. Apparently, the quality most important to leaders in their employees is their willingness to work hard. This is the new leadership failure. Leaders are not willing to trust their employees. Leaders are 67% less likely to want their employees to take risks than their employees want to see them accept risk. As a result, employees don’t trust leaders. Being a trustworthy leader makes your entire organization 64% more productive, effective, and innovative. Do you care about any of those?

In this short book in the series Can I TRUST You? Dr. Solomon explains how trust gets built between a leader and his/her employees and offers 70+1 habits that will make you a more trusted leader.

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Can I TRUST You?
60+1 Habits that will help you build trust and be a trusted Project Manager


When 10-time author and top-20 global organizational culture thought leader Dr. Yoram Solomon conducted a study asking, “what is the most important quality for you in other people?” Five out of six types of participants answered: Trustworthiness (66% of the time). Only one type didn’t: Leaders. Apparently, the quality most important to leaders in their employees is their willingness to work hard. This is the new leadership failure. Leaders are not willing to trust their employees. Leaders are 67% less likely to want their employees to take risks, then they employees want to see them accept risk. As a result, employees don’t trust leaders. Being a trustworthy leader makes your entire organization 64% more productive, effective, and innovative. Do you care about any of those?


In this second short book in the series Can I TRUST You? Dr. Solomon explains how trust gets built between a leader and an employee and offers 70+1 habits that will make you a trustworthy leader.

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Can I TRUST You?

67+1 Habits that will make you a trustworthy TEAM MEMBER


In his research, 11-time author and top-20 global organizational culture thought leader Dr. Yoram Solomon found that the ability to hold a constructive disagreement within a team was a key component of a company’s creativity and productivity culture. That ability depends on three things: the willingness of each member of the team to be vulnerable, to provide direct feedback, and to be receptive to feedback. The existence of any of those three heavily depends on the team trust level. When trust was high, the willingness to be vulnerable was 240% higher, the willingness to provide direct feedback was 106% higher, and receptivity to feedback was 76% higher. He also found that team members valued their peers’ trustworthiness the most, as much as the next four qualities combined.


In this third book in the series Can I TRUST You? Solomon explains how trust gets built between team members and offers 67+1 habits that will make you a trustworthy member.

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Can I TRUST You?

50+1 Habits that will make you a trustworthy salesperson


Do you feel that the traditional sales “tricks” are simply not working anymore? Well, you are right to feel that. Your customers have become desensitized to those. They know all the tricks, and they don’t buy them anymore. After a decade of research, 9-time author and top 20 Global Thought Leader on Culture, Dr. Yoram Solomon, found that customers are more influenced by one thing, and it’s something you have been ignoring all those years of trying to manipulate your customer to making a purchase decision: your trustworthiness. He found that trustworthy sales people can sell the same product or service for a 29.6% higher price, and that untrustworthy salespeople must discount their offerings by 22.8% before they can be considered. In this short book, Dr. Solomon explains how trust gets built between a salesperson and a customer and suggests 50+1 habits that will make you a trustworthy salesperson.
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Can I TRUST You?
73+1 Habits that will make you a trusted Consultant, Advisor, or Coach

2021 - Coming Soon (September)

Coming soon (expected in September 2021)
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The WORKBOOK of Trust (2nd Edition)
Build Trust, Be Trusted, Know who to Trust


The WORKBOOK of Trust is a personal companion workbook to The Book of Trust. It is made to be used in workshops and online courses based on The Book of Trust. It includes 11 summary pages, 12 reference pages, 6 quizzes, and 12 assignments that will take you through the 7-step process of building you individual plan to be more trusted.


By purchasing this workbook book, you get free access to a companion online course that will help you complete the 12 assignments included in this workbook. Scan the QR code on the right or go to to claim your free access code to the course.


Culture starts with YOU, Not your Boss!

The 5 pieces of the innovation culture puzzle


In his doctoral research, author Yoram Solomon showed that the factors affecting creativity and productivity the most could be summed up with one word—culture. He published his findings in his book Un-Kill Creativity: How Corporate America can out-innovate startups. However, he also found that employees play a major role in creating the right culture, and should not put the burden solely on management. Through 9 fictional stories, inspired by true events, he explains the model for building a culture of innovation.
Finally, he explains how to build trust in a team, and why we tend to skip between politically-correct arguments directly to destructive, personal and emotional conflicts, avoiding the constructive conflict in the middle.
Available in Paperback, Kindle, iBooks, Audible, and iTunes.

Cause of Death: Political Correctness

How and why PC kills creativity, productivity, and children


8-time author Yoram Solomon, a corporate culture and creativity expert, and three-time author Lori Vann, a teen self-injury and suicide expert, team up to address one of the biggest problems of our times: Political Correctness. In the first part of the book they address the psychological effects of political correctness and the devastating consequences of it to corporate creativity, productivity, political polarization, and the increase in teen self-injury and suicide. In the second part they describe the surprising causes of political correctness, tracking it down to a life-altering event that happened almost 50 years ago, and to a new kind of investment, for the first time named in this book: litigation-based securities. Finally, in the third part, “2034,” the authors offer two fictional, albeit plausible alternate futures: one that might take place if America continues on the current path of political correctness, and the other if it breaks out of this vicious cycle. This timely book is based on vast amounts of data collected and research conducted over several decades, and includes many stories ripped from the headlines, and had already led to a TED talk. The book is non-political, and anything but politically correct.

Un-Kill Creativity

How Corporate America can out-innovate startups


Is innovation accidental? Why do we get the best ideas in the shower? Why are people creative in startup companies more than in Fortune 500 companies?
In his fifth book, researcher, author, and keynote speaker Dr. Yoram Solomon answers these and other questions, based on his doctoral research (From Startup to Maturity), his firsthand innovation experience, and the stories of some of the world’s most innovative companies, such as Apple and Lockheed’s Skunk Works.
Solomon states that while great ideas appear accidental, you can create an environment where the probability of those accidents increases exponentially. Inspired by Teresa Amabile’s article, How to Kill Creativity, his book, un kill creativity shows corporate America how to unleash employee creativity and harness it to consistently generate radically innovative products, services, processes, and business models.
He focuses on 3 areas: organizational climate, team dynamics, and individual context. He proposes that: Innovation = Introspection + Intervention + Ideation + Implementation.

Bowling with a Crystal Ball (2nd Edition)
How to predict technology trends, create disruptive implementations, and navigate them through industry

2015, 2nd Edition

When asked “where do great ideas come from?” the author replied: “from the future!” A significant, timely, and ambitious endeavor, Bowling with a Crystal Ball by Dr. Yoram Solomon, is relevant to developers, strategists, marketers, venture capitalists and academia alike. The book examines the impact of state-of-the-art technologies on consumer-driven markets. A follower of disruptive technologies with an insider’s track, the author shares tools and techniques to teach readers how to tap into future trends. In three parts, delivered in a very personal manner, the author teaches the art of accurately forecasting fast-moving technology trends, creating value-add market disruptions, and navigating them through the industry maze to success. Originally published in 2007, it served as a textbook for a technology and industry forecasting class at the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Texas at Dallas. This 2015 edition adds the story behind the creation of USB 3, as well as an introduction to the author’s third book, un-kill creativity, demonstrating how established companies can out-innovate startups without having to acquire them.

From Startup to Maturity

A case study of employees creativity antecedents in high-tech companies


Companies start their lives as startups, privately funded, small, focused, and not profitable. As they mature, they often become publicly traded, profitable, much bigger, and involved in multiple projects. Christensen (1997) found that startup companies are more innovative than mature companies. Amabile (1988), Ekvall (1996), and others developed a list of organizational factors affecting the creativity of individuals in organizations. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in the organizational climate and personal context for creativity between mature companies and startup companies, and the resulting differences in the level of experienced individual creativity between those companies. This exploratory, interview based case study used a sample of 20 participants who worked for both startup and mature companies, and explored the differences in the participants’ experiences of creativity and the factors contributing to, or inhibiting creativity. This study found that individuals experienced higher degree of creativity in startup companies than in mature ones, that the organizational factors conducive to creativity were perceived as higher in the startup companies, while the organizational factors inhibiting creativity were perceived as higher in the mature companies, explaining the experienced higher degree of individual
creativity in startup companies, and potentially explaining why startup companies are more innovative than mature ones. The study did not find significant differences in personal context factors between the two types of companies.
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